Derry's Tech Thoughts

Derry's observations of our ever-flattening, Web 2.0, information-enabled world.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Vote With Your Feet

Scott McLeod blogged about leaving a 2 hour workshop because the facilitator did such a poor job. (

I, too, find myself giving a presenter about 5 minutes or so to "engage me or enrage me", to borrow Marc Prensky's term. And yes... I drift off, check e-mail, think about other things. But not when I'm watching TED videos. Or Seth Godin.

Perhaps it's because I've been so smitten with Presentation Zen by Garr Reynolds (blog is here) and his common-sense approach to presentations and how humans process information.

My question for this post: what ramifications does this have for our 21st century learners...students AND adults. Is this OK?