Addicted to Google Apps
My first PERSONAL (thanks, Susan!) Web 2.0 venture was ( at the urging of David Warlick last November. (I'd dabbled with Airset and wikis with Susan Brooks-Young in years past, played with Moodle, etc. but it never really "stuck" personally.)
After Jim Hirsch's IT Leadership Summit yesterday, I'm now an account-holding Google-r, and oh has my life changed.
(Patrick Crispin does some great workshops on using the Google Search Engine, and welcomes you on his site at
I created my personalized home page ( and started adding "gadgets".
- Google Reader for my RSS feeds (
- Had to add Dilbert and
- Then Gmail
- Then Google Docs (
...a new tab for mapping...
- for Seattle 911 dispatches
- Traffic for Seattle
- (Starbucks map not a gadget yet, but a link...
...a new tab for reference tools...
- Wikipedia
- Document to PDF
- UPS Package Tracking
- Bible Verses
- Spell Check
...and a play tab for "gadgets" (AKA do-it-yourself plug-ins)
"Oh the places you'll go"...ncce2007
Labels: ncce2007